Announcing Bifrost - Our Community Magazine

Happy Yule season everyone!

We are proud to announce that the first issue of our community magazine – Bifrost – is now available!

Click here to buy Bifrost: Saga #1

Back in April, we announced that we would be accepting submissions for our second community book, titled “Glimpses at the Gods”. The idea was a book that contained a collection of stories of real experiences with gods and goddesses. These experiences would serve as a guidepost to new and old practitioners alike when reaching out to new deities. We received many excellent submissions, however, at about 80 pages, we did not feel that we had quite the volume of submissions to justify charging the full price for a book. We began to explore other options, which led us to the idea of a magazine.

And so we arrive at the first edition of Bifrost, the official magazine of the Fellowship of Northern Traditions. This first edition will not quite be representative of our full plans for the magazine. This edition is essentially a mini-version of the original plan for Glimpses at the Gods. Future editions will all be centered on a general theme, just as this issue is focused on real experiences with deities. However, they will also contain other recurring features more akin to a traditional magazine format. We anticipate featuring not only articles, but also poetry, artwork, short fiction, and more. We are open to the strange and wonderful and would love for you to reach out with your ideas.

You may email us at for submissions and submission-related questions. The theme of each upcoming issue will be announced here on the blog section of our website when each previous edition’s publication is announced. We hope to reach a point where issues are published seasonally, and eventually offer a traditional magazine subscription model in addition to self-publication. We do like the non-traditional model of self-publishing on Amazon, for the advantage of easily purchasing back-issues that might strike your fancy.

The theme of the upcoming second edition of Bifrost is “Wyrd and Fate”. Please email to submit your articles, essays, poetry, artwork, and more that touch upon the themes of fate and “wyrd” from a pagan perspective. We loved the submissions for Glimpses at the Gods so much that we intend “Glimpses at the Gods” to be a recurring feature in the magazine – so any experiences you’ve had with gods and goddesses that touch on the idea of fate would be an excellent submission for the next issue!

We hope you enjoy what we have in store and consider submitting to the magazine! We hope this will be a refreshing new way for pagans to share their ideas with one another, full of community-driven writing, art, and poetry that you can return to time and time again.

May your Yule season be full of warmth and fellowship,

The Fellowship of Northern Traditions


Community Book Club