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Ohio Midsummer

From last years maypole dance

Join us in sacred space to honor the Summer Solstice amidst the enchanting woods of Hocking Hills, OH. Embrace the natural surroundings, harmonize with the pulsating beats of existence, and rejoice in the peak of the Summer. This event is a camping only event. You will need to bring a tent and we will need to work together to bring supplies to prepare food.

Spots: 20

Price: $50 per person

Food: Potluck Style, will be decided on a future call.

Rituals: We will be honoring Native Land Spirits, observing a Summer Solstice Kamlanie (Siberian tradition), as well as celebrating the Ancestors through a ritual, and the traditional maypole is returning with some more happy frog dances.

May 24

Connecting with the Spirits of Scotland

June 21

Texas Midsummer Gathering