Join us as we return to the community-favorite Viking Longhall in Southeast Ohio to celebrate Ostara!
Cost: $125 per person
Spots: There are thirty-five spots for this event. Sleeping arrangements are split between the bunks in the Longhall and tent camping. Families are encouraged to tent camp to conserve bunks. Please indicate in your initial email whether it is your preference to sleep in the Longhall or to camp. One option may run out before the other.
Food: Potluck-style, cooked on-site, to be planned in a voice call before the event.
Rituals: Landvaettir ritual, Snotra Ritual, Freyjasblot, Ostara and Sunna blot, more to be determined.
Notes: This will be at the Viking Longhall that we have rented before. So please keep in mind this is a semi-primitive experience. There is a compost toilet, outdoor shower/river to bathe in, generator power, limited cell reception, propane heat, and no refrigerator. This is very much a camping event, with the option to sleep inside, otherwise treat it like you are about to go camping. You will need to bring your own bedding, plates, cups, bowls, utensils, etc.
Please email Logan below to sign up or for more information!