This event will be different than our previous. This event is a single evening celebration with the option to camp if you wish.
Cost: $10 admission, or $40 if you wish to camp
What the $10 admission covers is the rental of the space as well as the purchase of supplies for part of the dinner. Any extra proceeds from this event will go into the gofundme for the purchase of the hall land.
Spots: This event has no limits to general admission, however we are limited to 20 spaces of tents.
Food: Some food will be provided: We will be using the grill to make Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Vegetarian Alternatives. We will provide some condiments and bread. Otherwise we will encourage all attendees to bring food potluck style; such as salads, chips, snacks, cookies, and soft drinks. This event is also BYOB.
12pm-4pm: Arrival and site exploration/tent set-up
5pm: Opening Ritual (Bring a drum!)
6pm-8pm: Dinner and Socializing
9pm: Midsummer Ritual to Thor and Sif
12am: End, all non-campers are asked to leave at this time.
Notes: The ritual will be to Thor and Sif, however the offerings are meant to reflect the hard work of summer. So please bring items such as produce, wheat, beer, or spirits. We may add additional elements to the ritual closer to the date. And we will email changes/additions to you. Please bring a drum if you have one (or extras!) We want to have a large drum circle for the open ritual to call the Gods and Spirits to us.
We will be looking to do a large bonfire to close out the evening. We will pay attention to the weather forecast, if there is a large storm or 100% chance of rain we may reschedule. We will do our best to communicate any changes!
Please note that this event will be family friendly, so please be respectful to others and this property. We are here to honor the ancient world, not get drunk and act like fools. You will be asked to leave if you do not respect the sacredness of this event.
Location: Located near McArthur, Ohio. This will be a campsite that offers plenty of hiking opportunities, and privacy. There will be a toilet on location.
If interested please email Aayla