Cost: $120
Spaces: 35 (25 Inside, 15 Camping Spots)
Food: Potluck style, everyone will pitch in. Video call will be held closer to the date to determine who brings what. We would love to encourage people to cook family recipes if possible!
Notes: This will be at the Viking Long Hall (south east Ohio) that we have rented before. So please keep in mind this is a semi-primitive experience. There is a compost toilet, outdoor shower/river to bathe in, generator power, limited cell reception, propane heat, and no refrigerator. This is very much a camping event, with the option to sleep inside, otherwise treat it like you are about to go camping.
Rituals: On Friday we will honor the local spirits. Saturday we will explore concepts of shamanism, with goals to connect with our spirit guides and then perform a ritual in the evening. This event will take the entire day and is the main focus of the weekend. We will have recommendations and guidelines to follow before the event/ We will send more details closer to the date! Sunday will be more similar to our past events, with rituals and ceremonies to the Gods.
If you have already found your power/spirit animal/fylgia, that is okay! You will also be able to simply enjoy the meditations and spirit journeys. However, it is possible to work with other spirit animals, and find new ones that you can connect with. If you have no knowledge of spirit animals, this event will be perfect, as it will feature an introduction before we begin the ceremonies.
Please contact Jacob for more information!